Tag: Quadrupel

Beerlonging 13 | Sense of Belonging


This is Beerlonging

Hosted by Mark, Rob and Steve featuring beer chat, beery adventures, and reverbeerations. After an extended summer break, we’re back and talking about what we’ve been up to since the last show and looking back over the first year of Beerlonging

Our guest this month is Danny McColl from MColl’s Brewery


Mark |  Fierce Beer ‘Export 80 Shilling Scotch Ale’ / Schlenkerla ‘Aecht Schelenkerla Erle’ / Torrside ‘Heavy Rauch’

Rob | Burnt Mill ‘Imperial Measures’ / Duration ‘Harvest’ / Indie Rabble/Two Flints ‘Neighbours’

Steve | Up Front Brewing ‘ The Isle of Mixed Ferm’ / Adnams ‘Innovation’ / De Struise Browers ‘ Sint Amatus – Oostvleteren 12’


Men’s Pie Club

Emma Inch’s Same Again Podcast


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Mark | Twitter | Instagram | Web

Rob | Twitter | Instgram | Web

Steve | Twitter | Instagram | Web


You can subscribe to our Patreon here


Credits // Original music by Rob Edwards // Intro by Dani Carberry // Artwork by Clayton Chisholm

Hopinions 99 “Review of 2019”

It’s the end of the year decade and we’re taking a look back at our beery highlights from 2019

Beers | Uncruliar Brews ‘Rhubarbley Wine’, Mad Hatter ‘Salted Caramel Quadrupel’, Camden ‘Beer 2019’, Thornbridge ‘Saint Petersburg’, Porterhouse ‘Devil’s Half Acre’ & ‘Celebration Stout’ and Fuller’s ‘Imperial IPA’

Hopinions | 2019 Beery Highlights

Links | Beers Without Frontiers podcast | Pub Chef Passion


Many thanks to Sean, Rob and the folks at Thornbridge & Porterhhouse for the beers, this didn’t influence our thoughts.